
Sunday, April 25, 2004

Happy Birthday Kristi! This is my birthday present to you... a blog of memories, and pictures. Now, with out further ado, in no particular order, Kristi's Memory's:

Those Bible studies at Allison Summers house: we thought yall didn't like us, and yall thought we didn't like you!

The first Generation Awake!*

Singing on the P&W band together.

2 words: Milko Bravo

Trips to TCS.

Pay Day at Wayne Murray Realtors: Driving in your blue Saturn, buying eachother roses, and buying CD's and blaring them.

Almost going to KRBE's Earth Day.

Your 14th birthday party.*

Everyone except me liking Ryan Annoot!

Hanging out at Southpaw Guitars.


Staying up late, looking through the Bible for kewl names for our chick rock band.

Wanting to see Titanic on Valentines Day, but all that was left was Spice World.

Homeschool at that day care: did we actually get any work done? *

Homeschool at the Drivers: did we actually get any work done?


Everything me and Stephanie liked, you and Sabrina liked the opposite: S&J- Ketchup, K&S- Mustard; S&J- Bob, K&S- Larry.

Watching H20 @ Ryans House.

2 words: Justin Clower.

1st Trip to Mexico.*

"So which Blackeyed Pea do you work at?"

Listening to "Fly" over and over after we broke up w/ our b/f's.

Picking up John Montgomery on Christmas Eve.

Discovery Camp. *

Friday night basketball.*

2 words: Clint Patronella. *

Seeing MIB w/ Hoppe.

Joe's HUGE sombrero.

That drama we did with your Mom.

Your suprise pool party.

Our DC Talk weekend. *

Stephanie's recidal (God Bless Texas).

Randomly picking you up to go see Sarah.

2 words: San Antonio (minus San)

"Mary Roooooock."

Brandon Annoot making everyone cry on Andre's last Wednesday night!

The Sunday after we got back from our first trip to Mexico.*

Seeing Chris Cagle at the Ft Bend County Fair.

Watching "X-Files" while on the phone w/ Hoppe.

Going to TCS for those tests, and then going out to eat w/ some of the students at Saltgrass...

Trying to feed 3 people on $15 @ Saltgrass!

2) means 281.

Our translator in Mexico, Frank! *

Your Birthday Party at Hard Rock Cafe.

My Birthday Party at Planet Hollywood.*

Eric driving all of us around in my Mom's new van.

Generation Jesus. *

Getting pictures done at Glamour Shots.

Having to go to your chiopractor in Katy after we danced to "Big House" for your Mom's Birthday. *

2 words: Saul Barrigan

Gathering stones for the well in Mexico.

Go Denver Broncos!

Turning around and looking straight into the eyes of Kevin Max.*

Your car becoming my car.

2nd trip to Mexico. *


2 words: Max Cook *

Listening to "Slide" by the GooGoo Dolls all the time!

Chris Bickers going away party at Fudruckers and my house.

Lake Travis.

Being counselors at Kids Camp.*

Hanging out w/ Lonelle.

Cherry Cokes at Casa Ole!

Cherry Cokes at TGI Fridays!!

Coming together as a group in our camp room and asking God to change us.

Swimming in the pool w/ the orphans in Mexico in our clothes!*

That guy who worked at Dominoes and liked you. Ya know, the one w/ the ponytail!

Your 21st birthday!

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